Blog Posts and Lists

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Our new iNK endeavor

As most visitors to this blog know, we are "closing shop" at the end of this school year.  I've enjoyed being part of this wonderful endeavor, sharing my thoughts and ideas and reading those of my colleagues over the years.  And I'm very glad that while this is the end of the iNK blog, we will continue to share our passion for nonfiction with others through our new blog, the Nonfiction Minute (  Here we will share interesting tidbits of knowledge that are no longer than 400 words, a perfect length to generate interest in a subject readers may not have known about before.  We've also set up a Facebook page ( so people can share their comments and ideas about the blog posts.  For now, we have a few samples posted on the blog, but when school starts up again in the fall, we plan to post a new "Minute" every school day.  We hope you will check out our samples and join us in the fall.


  1. Thank you! I've been worried about where to get similar leads on the best kids Non-Fiction available. Because of your INK influence on me, I started a Non-Fiction based enrichment course at my daughter's online public charter school. We just wrapped up the pilot during this last semester and it was a real hit for those kids who faithfully attended! We have been asked to return with all new sessions next year. The best part is seeing the fascinating projects and further research that the kids do in response to genuinely compelling information. I also am greatly fulfilled by knowing that we generated truly interesting conversations between the kids and their families by making them consider the "big picture" of life. Thank you, INK; you have inspired this one faithful reader (and likely many others) to do something extraordinary!

  2. Just one addition to this most important post, Dorothy. Our new blog is for kids, not adults. But teachers, of course, can use them with their classes. It is designed to give students a taste of the ideas that feed the passions that are behind our books.

  3. Will The Nonfiction Minute also showcase/preview new books by the INK authors?

  4. In response to T. Thank you for your question. The Nonfiction Minutes are original entries by iNK authors. They may be on the same topics as current and forthcoming books but they are not excerpts. Unlike fiction authors, who are cataloged and shelved by their names, nonfiction authors are cataloged and shelved by topics. It is our contention that if you enjoy a Nonfiction Minute, go get a book, any book, by that author.

  5. Even though the blog is for kids, adults can also find interesting information in the Nonfiction Minutes. But they are perfect for classroom or home schooling use to inspire discussion with the students and topics for student writing, as well as being models of how to write in an interesting, coherent fashion.
    The name of each Minute author will be a link to that author's website, where you can learn more about the authors life, books, awards, etc.

  6. That's the beauty of Non-Fiction; it levels the playing field. Adults stand just as much to learn as the kids! I wouldn't be able to teach the class if I weren't authentically inspired by the material myself. I have absolutely no problem with checking out an elementary or middle school NF text to introduce MYSELF to a new subject. Bring on the NF Minute!
