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Thursday, March 18, 2010

It all started with the Big BANG!

You might not think that watching the average sitcom on a school night would provoke any thoughts about nonfiction, but stranger things have happened. The other night The Big Bang Theory came on, with its stupendous theme song by The Barenaked Ladies, or as many affectionately refer to them, the BNL.

Now there’s not much nonfiction content in the actual show, even though the main characters are astrophysicists, aside from a few stray facts here and there. But that theme song packs a wallop. And thinking about the lyrics got me thinking about a few nonfiction books that do a bang up job of getting kids to pay attention to the Big Bang Theory for real.
Of course, there is The Universe by the indomitable Seymour Simon.
Big Bang: The Story of the Universe by Nigel Henbest and Heather Cooper is good for the YA audience, and will challenge readers.

There is also: Big Bang! The Tongue-Tickling Tale of a Speck That Became Spectacular, by Carolyn Cinami Decristofano, illustrated by Michael Carroll, which takes kids on a wild ride in a picture book about the origins of the universe.

And last but not least, is a book by fellow INKer Steve Jenkins. Life on Earth: The Story of Evolution

Happy Thinking!

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