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Friday, August 8, 2008

Toot, Toot

We don't toot our own horns very often around here. Yes, here comes the but. BUT there are two special events, starting today and in November, that happen to be the subject of two extraordinarily good books by two of our writers.

Today, 08-08-08, good fortune brings us the start of the Summer Olympics. Sue Macy has a totally engrossing book, newly rereleased, called SWIFTER, HIGHER, STRONGER. A PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF THE SUMMER OLYMPICS. National Geographic knows how to produce nonfiction at its best, interweaving photos and text in just the right combination. Sue tells some wonderful history of the Olympics, including some controversies and heroes we might have never known.

As Levar Burton would say, you don't have to take my word for it. Here's what SLJ had to say:
read great review

11.04.08 is rapidly approaching and before it does you'll want to get the children in your life a copy of Susan E. Goodman's new book SEE HOW THEY RUN. Your kids will finally understand how the election process works and then they can explain it to you. Susan does manage to do the seemingly impossible and explain the electoral college process and even hanging chads.

Again, here's the SLJ review:
read great review

So toot, toot to our I.N.K. writers for writing informative, timely nonfiction that can be appreciated by a wide audience.

Do you, our readers, have anything you've read recently you'd like to toot about?

I have one. I was lucky enough to get a review copy of Jessica Loy's WHEN I GROW UP. A YOUNG PERSON'S GUIDE TO INTERESTING AND UNUSUAL OCCUPATIONS (HOLT, 2008). This is a fascinating read where we are introduced to inspirational career choices beyond the standard doctors and lawyers; here we meet a guitar maker, lobster fisherman, and game designer among others. I found four or five possible paths to pursue when I grow up.

What are the good nonfiction reads you've discovered this summer? Go ahead, give a toot.

P.S. The comments feature through a reader is unfortunately still not working. Please come directly to the blog ( to comment.

1 comment:

  1. Linda, great post. Let's Toot your horn for all the work you do-INK is doing great!

    This summer I enjoyed:
    Red: The Next Generation of American Writers-TEENAGE GIRLS-on what fires up their lives today
    Edited by Amy Goldwasser

    The Case for Make Believe: Saving Play in a Commercialized World
    By Susan Linn
